Lesser Noctule (Nyctalus leisleri) habitats change modelling in EEBIO Region in scope of the IMAGE climate change data: GLM-scenario by 2050

V.Prydatko, V.Makarenko, G.Kolomytsev

Nyctalus leiseri (Kuhl, 1817) lesser noctule, leisler’s bat nóctulo pequeño (spanish), noctule de leisler (french) vechyrhytsya leisera, vechyrnytsya mala (ukr) Nyctalus leisleri is largely a western Palaearctic species (Europe and north-west Africa), with scattered records in west parts of the eastern Palaearctic (Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Himalayas). It is widely distributed in Europe – from Portugal and the British Isles to western Russia. The species is included to the Red Data Book of Ukraine (1994). It occurs from sea level to 2.400 m. The bat forages over woodland, pasture, and river valleys, where it feeds on flies (including mosquitos), moths and beetles. It is linked to old trees. Threats include disturbance to and destruction of roosts in trees and buildings, and loss or degradation of foraging habitat. However, noted IUCN, these are not thought to be major threats at present. And that population trend of the species ‘unknown’. ULRMC built the first GLM-scenario for this bat, and which demonstrated probable trend ‘N, decreasing locally’. See the gif-animation picture and more comparisons with a summarized table for different species on BioModel web-page. (The Project’s list of modelled bats include also Nyctalus noctula (Schreber, 1774), Nyctalus lasiopterus (Schreber, 1780), Rhinolophus hipposideros (Bechstein, 1800)). The model is published with the assistance of ULRMC, funded by ‘Projection of Species- and Species-Climate Based Models on to the GLOBIO Ukraine Region, and Scenarios Development’ Project according to the Contract Е/555050/01/МО (2006) between The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP, Bilthoven) and International Association ‘Ukrainian Land and Resource Management Center’ (ULRMC, Kyiv).



  1. Information Storage and Searching System of Vertebrate Animals of Russia by V.Petrosyan (editor) and A. Borisenko (natural habitats compiler). 2005 (Rus)
  2. BioDAT by A. Puzachenko (Rus).
  3. IUCN 2007. Nyctalus leiseri. In: IUCN 2007. European Mammal Assessment. Downloaded on 11 May 2007.
  4. Animals. The Red Data Book of Ukraine (1994) – Ukr.


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