Ellobius talpinus is the next for GLM-scenario

Ellobius talpinus Pall. – Northern Mole Vole – will be the next animal for a GLM-scenario to be done by the BioModel Group. The illustration source: “Элементы” – http://elementy.ru/news/430600, and which is based on ‘Е. А. Новиков. Экономия ресурсов как основа адаптации обыкновенной слепушонки (Ellobius talpinus: Rodentia) к подземному образу Read more…

Dakar’s modelling workshop: Day 1

Summary of the Day 1: WWF Senegal WAMER: Data collection, analysis; a case-study for the Government. Wetlands International: RAMSAR convention, birds-and-poverty. PBL: MSA-and-modelling, BDs, MSA in use for ecological reporting, policy making process/debates. Kenya: Forestry, cutting, agriculture, trends, deforestation, land conversion, forestry quality; communities; water shade protection and forestry; snow Read more…