Bd Training Package
Modelling examples (updating activity) (Shares of remained and loss mean species abundance per administrative unit of Ukraine) (Shares of remained and loss mean species abundance per administrative unit of Ukraine)
Elk (Alces alces) ‘climate envelope’ building process in the framework of the Species-climate-change project.
Mounting of the new branch hierarchy in the ‘Pages’ sidebar has completed. The updated structure supposes to display the BioModel-web information in more intuitive way.
Ukrainian version of the RDB-response index description updated.
Areas of high diversity with threatened species. Indicator descriprion in English.
Antropogenic pressure value: the red data book species response to the anthropogenic pressure (or RDB-response index).
Ukrainian version of the RS-GIS-index page already available. Please see detailed:
Ukrainian version of the draft title and content was updated.
The integrated map shows distribution and changes in boundaries of Pedunculate Oak area (Quercus robur). It is the dominant forest-formative species in the broadleaf- and the mixed needleleaf-broadleaf forests in the plains…
The map shows distribution of chestnut (Castanea sativa) – one of the rare and relic forest species in the Caucasus region…