MEMO: On January 31 2008 The Methodological Council of National Agricultural University (Ukraine) approved the submission of December 12, 2007 of the Department of Agrosphere Ecology and Ecological Control (based on ULRMC initiatives) to recommend the typescript ‘Landscape ecology: textbook on application of pressure based biodiversity modelling for national and regional educational purposes. Part 1. GLOBIO Ukraine Region Case-study. Part 2. Students workbook’ – to publication with title of the University. This will guarantee usage of the textbook on national level – for purpose of several eduactionl subjects i.e. ‘Landscape Ecology’, and compatible subjects as ‘Geogrephic Informational Technologies and Ecological Indication’, ‘Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biomonitoring Methods’, ‘Applied Ecology’. The subjects are under the official educational specialities i.e. 0708 ‘Ecology’ (6.070800 ‘Ecology and environment protection’) or ‘0929 Biotechnology’ (6.092900 Ecobiotechnology).
Resume In a comfortable (for self-studying and self-check of knowledge) format for the first time for Ukrainian Higher Educational Establishments the textbook provides history of the issue, approaches and examples of theme mapping oriented modeling of the expected biodiversity taking into account the effects on biodiversity within the context of GLOBIO Ukraine Region. It is based on rich groundwork of both national and foreign schools of modern landscape ecology in their comparison. GLOBIO approaches are revealed for GLOBIO-Ukrainian ecology for the first time. This also provides the results of biodiversity modeling of MSA, CLUEs in terms of the region, though they still remain little known to Ukrainian ecologists. After each unit there are questions for progress testing. In the appendix, there are 30 testing assignments antd their answer keys, as well as examples of topics for independent, bachelror’s and master’s degree papers. The issue has a list of [50] sources of information (bibliographic description), which will ease the use of testing assignments and provide further self-education to future ecologists. The textbook is also a contribution to biogeoinformatics development’.


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