Prydatko V., Kolomytsev G. Yellow Anemone (Anemone ranunculoides L.) habitat changes modelling
Yellow Anemone (Anemone ranunculoides L.) natural habitat changes modelling demonstrates migration of natural habitats of the species partly to southern territories of the GLOBIO Ukraine Region. See full animated story about the trends.
Yellow Anemone areal changes were modelled with usage of historical, GIS and RS data. Historical data, GIS and RS data includes following.
1) «Хорология флоры Украины» (1986). 2) «Екофлора України» (2004). 3) USSR Forest Atlas (1973)/Forest Game Birds and Animals – in Russian, granted by the Vernadsky National Library (Kyiv) – vectorization by V.Prydatko, A.Ischuk, A.Kalynychenko (ULRMC). 4) Vegetation of European Part of the USSR: Analytical Maps I-IX (Attachments)/Vegetation of European Part of the USSR. S.P., Nauka, 1980.—429 pp, in Russian. 5) Atlas Florae Europaeae (1972-1996), edited by Jaakko Jalas and Juha Suominen, together with Raino Lampinen (Vol. 11)/Updated 2004-05-26 by Mikko Heikkinen – Website at . 6) Ukraine Forest in 1990s based on Landsat Data (ULRMC, 2005). 7) Ukraine Forest in 2000s based on Landsat Data (ULRMC, 2005). The historical map of 80s was scanned, processed and digitized in ArcGIS by V.Prydatko.
The movie maps’ of 1970s and 1980s are hypothetical, but which take into account location of deciduous and mixed forests in the past first of all. The hypothetical of 80s reflects possible substitution of deciduous forests of 70s by that European natural steppe-meadows of 80s. The data of Florae Europaeae [5] and Ecoflora [2] will be intersected then in GIS environment with detailed remote sensing data of 2000 [6, 7]. The data and the MOVIE shows that natural habitats of A. ranunculoides changed seriously during last 30 years, and the species has new tendency of expansion to southern part of steppe natural zone (in GLOBIO Ukraine Region). The main causes of change are not interpreted definitely, but it can be land use (deciduous forest fragmentation), and possibly climate change. The example is a step to GLM-model.
GIS map authors: V.Prydatko (ULRMC), G.Kolomytsev (IZ NASU). More info:
Peter · Thursday October 15th, 2009 at 08:32 PM
I liked it. So much useful material. I read with great interest.
Mackeran · Saturday October 17th, 2009 at 02:30 AM
Very interesting and amusing subject. I read with great pleasure.
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