Bd Training Package
Landscape Ecology bilingual book designing steps
Drafts of the bilingual book title page and table of contents were updated.
Drafts of the bilingual book title page and table of contents were updated.
Some useful nationally- and internationally sound publications on biodiversity modeling approaches
Habitat changes trend: Amplitude of changes based on RS-GIS data (RS-GIS-index) in English
The example #1: White Headed Duck. Authors: V.Prydatko, G.Kolomytsev (ULRMC). BioModel.2007 – The model is published with the assistance of ULRMC, funded by ‘Projection of Species- and Species-Climate Based Models on to the GLOBIO Ukraine Region, and Scenarios Development’ Project according to the Contract Е/555050/01/МО (2006) between The Netherlands Read more…
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