Models Building Journal
Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Areal Changes Modelling by 2050s
Beech areal changes for East Europe was modelled by GLM. Historical and expected distribution ‘movie’ available.
Beech areal changes for East Europe was modelled by GLM. Historical and expected distribution ‘movie’ available.
Great Bustard (Otis tarda L.) areal changes were modelled with usage of historical, RS- and GIS data. 1) BioDAT – in Russian, prepared by V.Vinogradov – 2) Key Bird Areas in European Russia (2000) – in Russian. 3) Ukraine Red Data Book (1994) – in Ukrainian. 4) Vegetation of Read more…
Elk areal changes for East Europe was modelled by GLM. Historical and expected distribution ‘movie’ available.
Animated modelling of A. alces areal in the GLOBIO Ukraine Region (1928-2008) was based on: i) historical maps, ii) reconstructed forest coverage of 1928s, iii) remote sensing data of 2000s. The Step#2 forestall a GLM modelling stage i.e. Step#3. Sources of information for the model: 1) Map of the USSR Read more…
Useful Modelling Leaflet is available for downloads at the BioModel web-page : . The leflet is supportive part of the bilingual training package ‘Landscape Ecology…’
BioModel will take part in the conference in Odessa «Вернадський і сьогодення: концептуальні питання розвитку вчення про біосферу» – March 17, 2008. Planned presentation: Prydatko V.I., Kolomytsev G.O. Agrosphere of Ukraine, biodiversity: modern informational-technical aspects for research and modeling (GLOBIO, EEBIO, CLUES, MSA, LCCD)/Materials of scientific practical conference ‘Vernadsky and Read more…
March 18-20, 2008: The representative of MNP (Eric Arets) and BioModel experts arrange meeting to share expecience on modern species modelling methodology and research of climate change effect on biological species distribution. The meeting take place in ULRMC (Kiev) office. The Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur) draft GLM model was created Read more…
The total MSA map has been re-calculated, and that was based on a new gradual agriculture intensity map. The mean total MSA value is 32.4% (equal to 32.4% from previous model run
The comparison by mean value per oblasts of Ukraine: . Moreover, you can compare the LCCD (LCCD_bio) and MSA maps with the same color scheme:
Expected types of data to be involved to the project modelling The first type of data would be distribution maps that are e.g. based on expert knowledge on where species are present or not, but do not have underlying collection or plot data for specific locations. Yes (i.e. species are Read more…