Snowdrop anemone (Anemone sylvestris) Areal Changes (1980s-2008)

Snowdrop anemone (Anemone sylvestris L.) areal changes were modelled with usage of historical, GIS and RS data, which included following. 1a) «Хорология флоры Украины» (1986). 1b) «Екофлора України» (2000-2004). 1c) Vegetation of European Part of the USSR: Analytical Maps I-IX (Attachments)/Vegetation of European Part of the USSR. S.P., Nauka, 1980.—429 Read more…

Combined GLOBIO3 and 'land use' classes

Different GLOBIO3 land use classes combination was applied taking into account location of agrolandscapes in different ‘nature-ag-zone’. For instance agrolandscapes within ‘Polissya’ nature-ag-zone include several LCC i.e. ‘extensive agriculture’ and ‘agro-forestry’ in equal part approximately. Logically, for the ‘Steppe zone’ it is advisable to take into account (for the modelling) Read more…